Tesla at $300, so all is good?

by JDH on September 1, 2018

It was fun to watch the price of Tesla on Friday. It traded under $300 for most of the day, and then, before the close, managed to go up a dollar or two and close at $301.66.

I’m not implying that the stock is manipulated, but if I was one of it’s “handlers” I would not want a “2 handle” heading into a three day long weekend, because that would be the story.

So Tesla gets a reprieve, but time is running out, and I still expect it to be a lot lower in the coming weeks.

AMZN, on the other hand, looks poised for continued growth.

So, buy AMZN, short Tesla, and hold all of your pot stocks.

Gold, well, we’ll have to wait a bit longer to see.

That’s the plan, enjoy the last long weekend of summer, see you next week.