Nothing to Report

by JDH on March 30, 2019

I’ll save you some time today: I have nothing new to report, so there’s no point in continuing to read this rambling post.

Tesla had a “good” week, bouncing from below $260 on Monday to close at almost $280 on Friday.  It could conceivably hit $295 this week, but as the chart shows, the trend is down, and a print above $300 is increasingly unlikely.

I assume that the “investors” who hold this stock have realized that it’s a dead duck, and I would hope that they are juicing the stock up to provide an exit prior to the inevitable bankruptcy filing.

We shall see.

In other news, gold is advancing slowly, the pot stocks are holding there own, and spring is around the corner, so all is good.

Hold cash, and stay the course.

Perhaps there will be something interesting for me to comment on next week.