To paraphrase Milton Friedman, if you print a lot of money, inflation goes up.

The money supply (M2) growth in Canada peaked at 14.3% in February 2021 and steadily dropped until it hit a growth rate of “only” 1.6% in June 2023.  Since then, M2 has increased, and in June 2024, the annual growth rate hit 4.2%, the highest growth rate in 21 months.

But here’s the thing: money printing does not immediately lead to inflation.

There’s a time lag of around 16 months, give or take.

If these trends continue, CPI will continue to fall, and could hit zero by early 2025.  However, as you can see from the blue line, M2 has already started to increase.

The brakes were on, but now they are pushing the gas pedal, so higher inflation will return in late 2025 and beyond.

The play, then, is to buy bonds now to take advantage of lower interest (to “quell” inflation) but those bonds are not a long term hold.  You hold for six months, perhaps a year, pocket the interest, and then make a capital gain when you sell.

And as the increase in the money supply kicks in, liquidity rises, and assets (like gold and Bitcoin) will be good investments.

Or not.

We shall see.

Enjoy the long holiday weekend, the fall will be interesting.

Once Again, I blew it on Microstrategy

by JDH on August 24, 2024

I have a long history of doing covered-writes on MSTR—Microstrategy Inc. The concept is simple: I sell out-of-the-money call options, and on their expiration date, they expire, and I pocket the premium.


Except it’s not so simple with Microstrategy.

On Tuesday, August 20, with MSTR trading at around $140, I sold calls with a strike price of $148, expiring on August 23. My reasoning was simple: What were the chances that in less than four trading days, MSTR would go up by over 6%? That’s a big increase in four days.

Well, you know what happened. Fed Chair Jerome Powell said, “I’m lowering interest rates to increase liquidity,” and we were off to the races. Bitcoin was up almost 6% on the day, and MSTR, being a leverage play, closed the day at $150.01, up just over 12% on the day and up over 7% since my covering.

I could have bought the calls back earlier in the day for a 50% profit, but I didn’t, and I was stuck with a big loss.

(Of course I still own the underlying stock, so I didn’t have a net loss, but my gains were not as large as they otherwise would have been if I had just held and done nothing else).

As I write this Bitcoin is now comfortably above $63,000 USD, which is a reasonably significant resistance level.  We’ll see if it holds.

For now, I hope I learn my lesson and just hold.

But probably not.

Have a good week.

Nothing to Report

August 11, 2024

I have nothing to report, because nothing is happening. Yet. It appears obvious that we are in a recession.  Unemployment is increasing, inflation has fallen but remains high, and the Fed will be cutting interest rates next month. And yet, the markets are hanging in there. I have no idea what that means, so I’m […]

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Bitcoin and MSTR: That Took a Surprising Turn

July 20, 2024

As I write this just after 6:00 am on Saturday July 20, Bitcoin is up almost 7% in the last five days.  Why? Trump. He is now pro-crypto, and his VP pick has owned Bitcoin for many years, so that looks good for the future. The other reason is Trump.  If he wins, he will […]

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Microstrategy Update

July 13, 2024

As I have documented many times on this silly little blog, I have a position in MSTR—Miscrostrategy Inc.  It’s a Bitcoin investment on steroids, which is great when Bitcoin goes up, but not great when it goes down.  I consider MSTR to be a medium term hold, meaning I have no plans to sell it anytime soon. […]

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All normal humans are the same

July 5, 2024

All normal humans are the same.  We act in our own self-interest. Unless you have a physical or mental irregularity, if your hand inadvertently touches a hot surface, your hand will instantly pull away, with no conscious input required.  We act in our own self-interest. If you are walking in the woods, in the middle […]

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It’s not looking good

June 29, 2024

Oh boy.  It’s not looking good.  I’m not talking about Joe Biden; obviously, his term as President is over after the Trump debate.  I’m talking about the economy. Each Federal Reserve bank publishes its GDP forecast (the Nowcast).  The Atlanta Fed is the most optimistic, but the Atlanta Fed Nowcast just lowered their Q2 real […]

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Friday Afternoon Crash?

June 8, 2024

For the last two Fridays, about an hour before the close, Bitcoin has had a mini-correction. On Friday, it was down almost 5% from top to bottom. As a result, from lunchtime until the close, MSTR—Miscrostrategy Inc. was down almost 7%. What gives? I have no idea, other than the Big Boyz like to play with […]

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Sort of won, kind of…

June 1, 2024

I don’t want this to turn into the MSTR—Miscrostrategy Inc. blog, but since nothing else is going on in the world, here’s the update: MSTR had a big drop this week.  It peaked at $1,715 on Thursday, and dropped to $1,445 on Friday before bouncing slightly to close at $1,524. I am bullish on the […]

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Microstrategy Covered Call Options – An Update

May 25, 2024

As frequent readers know, I also have a small position in a Bitcoin ETF and a position in MSTR—Miscrostrategy Inc. It’s a leveraged play on Bitcoin, and I’m up considerably on my position. All good. Since May 1, Microstrategy has increased from just over $1,000 to close at $1,684.84 on May 24, 2024.  A 67% gain […]

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